Wednesday, March 7, 2018

my week, roses, and big toes...

so life just keeps pulling us forward into the spring, and everyone is so very happy about that, but i am still quite content with the beauty of late winter and its moody atmosphere.  i am in no hurry to change the clocks.  i love my winter cocooning, and my moods since christmas are still up and down, but for the most part i am doing ok.  i've seen alice a few times, and she is doing well.  adjusting to her abrupt departure from my daily life has been odd.  there are times that i just have these conversations with her, but she's not there...old habits are hard to break.  despite being in love, and quite busy, i get really lonely without her.  its weird not to say goodnight...

 i never watch the oscars.  ever.  yuck, actually...but i bought some spring branches.  wore my favorite velvet dress,  dropped my laptop on my big toe.  stayed up all night with an ice pack on it, threw a happy little dinner party two days later, and found a great new florist...oh, and decoupaged a table.  can't forget about that.  because crafting seems to keep me sane.  yep.  

dark ruby velvet for the dark end of winter

discovered a charming floral shop while on a long walk with chase.  can't remember the name of it, but it had custom painted wallpaper, and david austin roses...

these are juliet, or dear juliet, or sweet juliet...not sure.  they inspired my dinner party table.  growing roses just might be the only thing i love about the heat of the summer.

and are just as pretty all faded and spent

yep.  swollen and bruised.  still wearing heels though.  just in case you wondered.

three pictures from pinterest inspired me and jogged my memory.  i really really love a dark, romantic table, filled with black candles and all kinds of off kilter, mad hatter-esque charm.  those rose fueled images from pinterest reminded me of my own tablescapes from long ago dinners, when alice and i always ate outside among the david austin roses i grew.  we always loved the scattered rose petals that occasionally showered down on us.

so i dug up some old photos of my tiny rose covered cottage, channeled my own style, and pulled out my ancient rose cumming cabbage rose chintz tablecloth, which has some raw edges, and is quite old and faded, which makes me love it ever so much more, and my wedgwood crown ruby china, and william yeoward goblets.  i even scattered a few rose petals on saturday's urban version of my own country garden table.  dare i say i copied myself?


  1. Your tablescapes are so beautiful. I still think you need to write a coffee table book. Glad you are doing well. I'm sure it's hard with Alice, but suspect it's part of the process. I know when it's my turn for the littles to leave the nest, I'll be sad. As a long-time single parent, you have such a strong bond with your kids. I think it makes it harder. Glad you heart is in love though - always good for the soul. Xx

    1. well, thanks as always for the support and kind comments. i am well, but i truly feel most parents have a much more gradual process...anyway, id love to do a book, just wouldn't know how to begin! xx

  2. Your posts just ooze romance, I'm transported by every one of them and your wardrobe of clothing fripperies is so so beautiful.
    That bruise - ouch! Transitions are so hard, I'm going through similar but different with mum, she's still here but not quite, my days are more silent, all rites of passage are hard, some have happier endings than others.


    1. transitions are hard. i truly think the mother daughter bond is the strongest one there is, and hence both of our realities at the moment...know there is someone on this side of the pond who is thinking good thoughts for you... xoxo
