Thursday, September 14, 2017

A New Season

So here we are solidly in the middle of September.  The last few days of summer are trickling towards the 21st, and I just couldn't be happier about it.  August was absolutely miserable for me.  At best, I am not good with the sweltering dog days of summer, so throw in a nasty case of lingering laryngitis and Miss Alice leaving me for the first time ever to go to Russia, and I was not a happy camper!  A huge chunk of my heart was missing, even though she went with my blessing....I wanted her to have an amazing experience, and she did.  She came back a more fantastic girl than when she left.  Uncool as it might sound, I really felt like I just couldn't breath till she came home in one piece. I was an emotional mute, a pathetic teary heap on the sofa, watching old movies and reading paperbacks.  I ate baking chocolate for dinner, and I could barely walk Chase I was so morose!  They were listless, shuffling little walks.  It was simply an involuntary response.

 Sooo now that Alice is back in town, and things have cooled a tiny bit, school has started, and my voice is back, I have decided to start cooking and baking and entertaining again.  I have been an antisocial slacker, and I need to catch up with loved ones.  There is something about that first falling leaf and the exciting feeling of anticipation and festivity in the air to put me in the mood!

So its almost time to wear tights again, and my sweaters are all folded nicely, just waiting for that first chill in the air...I toss the clear lipgloss, and dig out the matt red lipstick...

It is bourbon time...bye bye vodka...

I adore the smell of autumn, and fresh air road trips to Pennsylvania, and Sunday pot roast, pie!

So when I make my pie, I never deviate with the filling.  It's all about the quality of the apples.  I prefer the tangiest tartest taste, and usually like a mix of macintosh and granny smith, with very little sugar to sweeten, and some lemon, and nutmeg only.  I am not a cinnamon fan at all...too cinnabon like for my taste.   I always use an egg wash, and sometimes a sprinkle of sugar on the crust.

I remember my grandmother Millie used to add walnuts and raisins when she made apple pie, and I loved it so much, but Alice would never eat it if I added those...

The crust recipes are always changing though.  I can never find the ultimate, but I rotate between a classic pate brisee, an old fashioned Betty Crocker basic crust with crisco, and a buttery, cookie like tart crust that I usually use for summer fruit tarts.  I never get fancy with lattice tops, or cut outs.  I am a minimalist...

No ice cream, no whipped cream, black coffee on the side...

Happy September!


  1. Happy September! I'm a fall girl too. Glad Miss Alice had a wonderful trip. And glad you have her back now! xo

  2. Despite this heatwave in New York, I am thrilled its now fall. Thanks, I am so ashamed of how much I missed her! lol xx
