Saturday, November 17, 2018

still fall in my world

so i love fall.  everything about it, from the smell of the wet leaves to the darkening days.

in my world, i keep my head in the sand, and avoid all generic "holiday" things till after thanksgiving.  i'm still all autumn and harvest and brown and orange and rustic.  planning to cook a beautiful thanksgiving dinner this year for a few loved ones.

 i've been in country mode all fall, and will be keeping it rustic and undecorated and will be using a mix of blue willow, and brown turkey motif plates and maybe will forage through the yard for any pretty colored leaves that might still be left to bunch in a vase and maybe i will scatter some edibles on the table too.  lady apples, pomegranates, something like that.

for the menu, i'm a traditionalist, and really enjoy the classic turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce dinner.  no creative substitutions on my table. well other than using fresh lingonberries instead of cranberries... 

so ive got 3-6 people coming this year and i ordered a fresh 13-15 pound turkey at the farmers market, and will have a nice cheese board put out in the afternoon, as well as bowls of sweet potato chips and warm roasted chestnuts.

my menu:
15 pound fresh turkey roasted with butter and sage
bread onion celery sage stuffing cooked in and out of the bird
mashed potatoes and gravy
homemade cranberry(lingonberry) sauce
roasted onions
green vegetable (still tbd)
homemade pumpkin pie
rustic apple crostata

lots of wine with dinner.  i have some old reds in my basement, and buying some chianti as well
apple cider
cranberry juice

 thankful.  keeping the faith.  


  1. Truly lovely to enjoy the most of every season and not rush from one thing to the next.
    Beautiful melancholy photos and love the nod to Charlie and his pals.

    1. one of these days i will have a real charlie brown thanksgiving, outside in the backyard, with toast and pretzel sticks and jelly beans....
      hope you had a lovely one! xx

  2. I love fall as well and am savoring every minute of it. There will be absolutely no Christmas decoration in my house until after Thanksgiving. Love the image you paint of blue willow, brown turkey plates, autumnal leaves. So cozy and old-fashioned. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Have a lovely day surrounded by loved ones.

    1. thanks dana! it turned out well and was a very warm happy day all around. hope yours was beautiful xx

  3. For me, the best thing about Thanksgiving is that the day itself ranks as the least commercialized of the holidays. Really, the whole point is to cook a meal (think about that - actually cook) and share it with family and friends. Time slows down, and so over our meal we share laughs, reflect, discuss, love, all the while with a glance outside to notice the shortening of the days. Is that a simile for life, or what? Oh, and I am so happy you included coffee on your menu. I always thought the downfall of America happened sometime around the time we decided not to drink coffee after a meal, for fear of staying awake, rubbish to that…

    1. i love feeling all grown up with the coffee service on the table, and have cozy memories of the grown up table from childhood...honestly a cup of coffee with dessert after a wonderful dinner is one of the most civilized pleasures, and what else would help me stay awake enough to do the dishes?

    2. and yes it is the least commercialized of all the holidays, though some do lump it in with the whole horrible concept of the "holiday season" shudder...
