Friday, June 29, 2018

drinks for medicinal purposes

in the past, you would never ever have heard me say the word juice.  i didn't really get it till i had a bit of some bad health a year ago or so.  vitamins started appearing in my cabinet, and some b12 shots came into my life, and all these things have actually become almost pleasures for me.

the real game changer was buying a jack lalaine juicer however.

why not drink those vitamins, i thought.  truly thinking i would just choke down various juice concoctions for medicinal purposes, or in lieu of the illicit chocolate bar for lunch, i approached my first juice combo like a student.

beet for folate, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, b12, vitamin c, iron, manganese, potassium
carrot for a vitamin a/beta carotene, vitamin k, potassium b6
arugula for a, c, k... 
apples and berries and greens, etc. 
you get the picture.

so anyway that first combination contained almost everything vitamin wise, but i was truly unprepared for how delicious and alive the fresh organic juice tasted.  i don't juice everyday, but it has become something i do fairly often.

and then there is coffee.  yes, my name is cynthia and i am addicted to coffee.  anytime, any kind, anywhere.
i always buy my starbucks italian roast at target when they are 5.99 a bag if you buy three.  i usually buy nine bags at a time.  i make mine at home every morning.  a whole pot.  i mostly drink it black.
no lectures.  it keeps your brain sharp, and young, truly.  its proven.

soooo juicing of another sort.
one week, i bought a pineapple, which is something i never do.  they just smelled so great in the grocery store, and i brought one home.  juiced it, then froze the juice in giant ice trays.  perfect with vodka and a splash of soda.

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