Thursday, September 28, 2017

Lovely Thursday

It happens every fall.  The lethargy and soggy heat of summer are gone, and I get giddy and energetic and organized and happy.  Today was a blissful, cool, and beautiful day here in New York City.  I awakened all perky and refreshed at about 9 o'clock, which is a little later than my usual, and the cool breeze was wafting through the taffeta curtains in my room.  Is there anything more gorgeous than billowing silk and gentle morning sunlight?  Of course the never ending sirens of Brooklyn were very soon to cut through my morning zen and tranquility, but no matter.  I am back!  It happens every autumn, as I said earlier, and today my to-do list was attacked with pleasure.  For weeks I have been looking forward to visiting my little fresh air cottage in Pennsylvania, and am looking forward to a sprucing it up this coming weekend.  I was last there over Labor Day, and due to rain was only able to whitewash one exterior and formerly red brick wall.  Must finish the job!  I am going to change the paint on the front door and kitchen door, and install a new brass faucet in the kitchen.  The green paint on the front and kitchen doors has to be changed, and pink or blue has been the debate of the month!  I am leaning towards pink, as is Alice, but don't want to end up with a Barbie Dream House.  Bowood wallpaper has been ordered from Colefax and Fowler for my bathroom, and my back yard dilemma has been solved.  New trees.  Big ones.  Canadian Hemlocks.  Its all happening...yep, its all going down.  I am never going to want to come home to Brooklyn after this weekend!

Anyway, a very much anticipated package arrived from England this morning.  After a half cup of coffee, I very carefully ripped open the box containing this beautiful new treasure.  I have become addicted to skirts and dresses again.  My old uniform of narrow black trousers just isn't working for me anymore.

Not that I won't jazz up this pale blue silk skirt from The Vampires Wife with black boots and a leather jacket.  Nothing wrong with a slightly modern Alice In Wonderland look.

I headed over to Manhattan at lunch time to meet Alice for a little pampering at the beauty shop, and some shopping.  Miss Alice was still wearing summer sandals today, and ended up really kind of cold!  I wore my favorite Altuzarra striped trousers with black patent mary janes, and felt just perfectly dressed for the weather.

We have both been too busy lately, and spending time together has become a priority.

After our stop at the beauty shop, we jumped on the 6 to Spring Street, and just had to check out our beloved Anna Sui boutique.  We love chatting with sweet Jennifer, and of course, after grabbing a few cute wardrobe additions, we had tea and coffee and cakes next door at Mariebelle New York.

Can not wait to see how charming this old brass faucet will look in my tiny little country kitchen,  

and even more excited about Bowood...

The front door color has been narrowed down to either Lulworth Blue, or Cinder Rose.  I bought a gallon of both in exterior emulsion.  Steak or Lobster?


  1. Your new skirt is absolutely glorious, I'd love a modelling pic and I'm green with envy over Alice's thick pigtail - mine is a wafer thin wisp!
    Bowood is such a comforting fabric/wallpaper, I had it on a chair in my bedroom growing up, the amount of times I've asked my mum where that chair went is now approaching a zillion, I'll get over it one day!

    1. I will post a pic of the glorious blue skirt. I need to play around and find a perfect top to wear with it. I am so tired of utilitarian clothes. Life should be pretty! Bowood has always been a favorite of mine too, and I really needed to find a place to enjoy it. Hope you find that slipper chair! Couldn't agree more about Miss Alice's braid...I never had hair that thick even at her age. xx

  2. PS. Cinder Rose - what great paint name.

    1. It is a gorgeous name and color. I feel like we would have the most enchanted feminine cottage with a Cinder Rose door....

  3. Cynthia
    Years ago, I too lived through New York City summers, first in Manhattan, then Brooklyn. During those August dog days when the heat seemed to shimmer off the asphalt, and rise no higher than a brownstone, everybody was desperate to get out, somewhere, anywhere, for us it was upstate to the Adirondacks, for you Pennsylvania. Regardless, I am so happy on a couple of counts, one, that you have your rural retreat, you idyll from it all, and two, that you are back to regular posting again, always a treat for me. Have fun and enjoy the season change…

    1. I realized a long time ago how much I need the balance between the peace and quiet and being in the city, though things really backfired this past weekend! lol... I am so glad you are enjoying my posts! xx

  4. Come to my etsy shop if you want bowood pillow covers. My shop name is Aurelia6311
